8 Stress-Free Travel Activities For Kids

Travelling with kids can be tricky, but if you can keep busy minds and busy fingers active, you’ll all enjoy yourself a lot more.

Kids that are bored act out, so we suggest you take a look at these travel activities and use them to your advantage next time you hit the road, take to the air or hop on board the train.

You’ll fast find that there is so much more for them to do than simply sitting and staring at an iPad screen, and you won’t have to worry about flat batteries either.

1. Eye Spy

It may be old fashioned, but Eye Spy is a great game, and it’s one that many people have forgotten. It not only keeps kids occupied, it is fun competition and it ensures that kids take in their surroundings and really notice things.

This is good practice for when they are travelling, as their eyes really will be opened to so much more.

2. Sticker Books

Sticker books are a great way to keep ids entertained and you may well be able to find a book that ties in with your trip.

Even if it is not exactly based on where you are going, it’s not hard to find sticker books about travelling or sightseeing and these can be loads of fun.

3. Activity Books

Crosswords, word searches, Sudoku and any other activity books are a great option for keeping slightly older kids busy.

You can set time limits and see how they cope, or you can simply let them choose what activity they want to try. Plus, in many cases, these activities are also educational.

4. Audiobooks

There are some awesome kids stories that are available as audiobooks and you can set your kids up to listen while you travel.

You can choose a book that ties in with your journey, and as an added plus, you get to read or do something like playing online Bingo in Australia, while they are absorbed in listening to their story.

5. Travel Board Games

Scrabble, Scattegories, Cluedo, Trivial Pursuit, 30 Seconds and even Monopoly have been remastered as travel games, and you can play these with your kids, or let them play together for as long as you desire.

6. Card Games

Just like board games, these offer hours of amusement and if you have a kid on their own, they can even learn to play games like solitaire to amuse themselves.

7. Colouring Books

These may also be popular with adults too, but kids almost always love colouring. If you’ve got a colouring book ad some felt tip pen or crayons, you’ll have a happy kid for at least an hour.

8. Road Trip Games

If you’re taking a road trip there are numerous games you can play along the way. You can score points for spotting specific colour or types of cars, different registration plates, landmarks and so much more.

Plus, with a little imagination you can adjust these games to travelling by air, or even by train too.